
  • Pet Policy

    Some dogs and cats may be accepted with certain restrictions, limitations, and requirements:

    a.)    Eligible dogs and cats must be at least one (1) year old.

    b.)    Eligible dogs must be fifty (50) pounds or less in weight and be fifteen (15) inches or less in height from floor to shoulder when full growth.   VERDE will allow fifty (50) pound dogs to live in first floor apartments only. Dogs living on second and third floors must be thirty (30) pounds or less.

    c.)   Eligible dogs must be house broken and conditioned to indoor living. Eligible cats must be litter-box trained.

    d.)    Eligible pets must be spayed or neutered. No animal offspring are allowed0

    e.)     Certain dog breed restrictions apply

    f.)     Residents must provide veterinary paperwork for pet showing that it is in good health and has all required vaccinations and shots.  Additionally, a letter is required from the veterinarian stating that the pet is acceptable for living within the confines of an apartment.

    g.)     Eligible dogs and cats must be treated with a flea and tick preventative year round.

    h.)     Dogs must be crated when resident is not present.

    i.)      Eligible pets must have current license as required by state, county, and/or local regulations.

    j.)     Eligible pet will be required wear an identification collar at all times.

    k.)      There is an additional non-refundable up-front Pet Fee of $300 for one pet and $600 for two, plus a monthly pet fee of $40 for one pet and $80 for two.

    l.)   There is a maximum of two (2) pets total permitted per apartment.

    m.)     Pet weight cannot exceed 50 pounds for one pet or a combined pet weight of 75 pounds for two pets.

    No exotic pets are permitted (including, but not limited to, mammals other than domesticated cats and dogs as provided for above, ferrets, rabbits, primates, birds, rodents, hamsters, gerbils, reptiles, snakes, lizards, amphibians, insects, spiders, and crustaceans).

     Restricted canine breeds include:

    Any dogs with a bite history will not be permitted in addition to the following specific breeds. German Shepherd, Akita, Chow Terrier, Chow breed mix, American Staffordshire, Bull Staffordshire, or Terrier Staffordshire mix, Pitbull Staffordshire, Doberman/Doberman Pinchers, Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Rottweiler, Wolf-dog hybrid, Presa Canario, Cane Corsos, and any cross breed or related breeds. Additionally the above animals are not permitted to be pet-sat or cared for in any way in our community.

    A pet will not be permitted to disturb the health, safety, rights, comfort or quiet enjoyment of other tenants. Proper care shall be exercised to prevent pets from becoming a nuisance to any other tenant or person.

    Your pet must be fed and watered inside the dwelling. Do not leave animal food or water outside the dwelling at any time. Pets may not be tied to any fixed object anywhere outside. Tie outs will be removed and disposed of if found.

    Failure to comply with our pet leash and clean up rules will result in fines.   We must ask that you make arrangements to pick up after your pets every time they are out. Fines of $50, $100 and $200 will be charged accordingly each time you fail to pick up or leash your pet. Remember, we have provided pet pick up stations around the community for your use. Please take advantage of this service. If pet violations are ongoing we will be forced to consider revoking your pet privileges.

    In some circumstances, we may allow an animal control officer or humane society representative to enter the dwelling unit and remove the animal if, in our sole judgment, you have:

    abandoned the pet or assistive animal

    left the pet or assistive animal in the dwelling for an extended period of time without food or water; or

    failed to care for the pet or assistive animal while it is ill.

    allowed the pet or assistive animal to damage the building or home, bite or injure any person on the premises or the pet’s noises or barking cause any complaints from other tenants.

    You and all co-residents will be jointly and severally liable for the entire amount of all damages caused by the pet, including all cleaning, de-fleaing, and deodorizing.   This provision applies to all parts of the dwelling unit, including carpets, doors, walls, cabinetry, screens, furniture, and appliances, as well as landscaping and other outside improvements. If items cannot be satisfactorily cleaned or repaired, you must pay for us to replace them completely.

    As owner of the pet, you are strictly liable for the entire amount of any injury that the pet causes to a person or to anyone’s property. You shall indemnify and hold management harmless for all costs of litigation and for all attorneys ‘fees resulting from any such damage.

    We have the right to make reasonable changes to the pet rules from time to time if we distribute a written copy of any changes to every resident who is allowed to have pets.

  • I enjoy a quick work-out on the elliptical machine in the morning. Can I do this at Verde?

    Stop by and see us during our staffed model hours, call us, or send us an e-mail.  Verde’s professional team of Leasing Specialists will be happy to provide you with additional information, answer questions, and arrange a tour.  We also offer convenient online lease application and application fee payment via our website if you’d like to get started right now.

  • Smoking Policy

    VERDE is a smoke-free neighborhood.  Smoking is prohibited within your apartment home, on your outdoor deck or balcony, in common hallways, in elevators, in lobbies, in common areas, outside buildings, in parking lots, and in garages.  In short, smoking is prohibited everywhere on the VERDE property.

  • Renter's Insurance Policy

    Renter’s Insurance covers a resident’s personal belongings if they are stolen or damaged. Renter’s Insurance also provides liability protection if a resident causes damage to the property or a resident causes someone else to suffer injuries. Renter’s Insurance also covers a resident’s living expenses if an apartment home is uninhabitable because of certain disasters, such as fire.

    A resident will be required to provide proof of Renter’s Insurance coverage prior to moving into the VERDE neighborhood including a certificate naming specific parties as an additional insured party. Additionally, proof of Renter’s Insurance renewal / continuation shall be required if a resident renews a lease for additional future years.

    If you do not currently have Renter’s Insurance, or if you’re current Renter’s Insurance is provided by an out-of-state provider not licensed for issuing policies within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a VERDE Leasing Specialist can help put you in contact with parties who can help you with this matter.

    Type of Insurance Policy: HO4 – Tenants Form Homeowner Policy

    Minimum Personal Liability Coverage: $1,000,000

    Minimum Personal Contents Coverage: $30,000

    Additional Living Expense Coverage: $9,000

    Maximum Deductible: $1,000

    Named Additional Insured Parties: 2nd Street Realty Associates, LP & VERDE Management, LLC

    Must have proof of renters policy in place prior to taking occupancy

    Owner must be notified if policy lapses

    Renewal of renters’ insurance policy if tenant extends / renews their lease

  • Payment Terms Policy

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  • Telecom

    As a Verizon Enhanced Community, your apartment home is equipped with Verizon FiOS® services, including super-fast Internet and crystal-clear TV, delivered over the Verizon FiOS® 100% fiber-optic network. The VERDE community has negotiated bulk-purchase services with Verizon so that upgraded service can be enjoyed by residents at a rate that saves them money.  Verizon FiOS® Bundled Services are billed to VERDE residents at a rate of $125.00 per month (in addition to monthly rent).  VERDE residents will also be required to establish an account with Verizon individually to secure their individual equipment.  VERDE residents will have access to a dedicated Verizon account representative in establishing their account.  VERDE residents may then opt to add services (such as voice), upgrade services, upgrade or additional equipment, add premium channels, order video-on-demand programing, and order pay-per-view programing.  VERDE residents will be billed monthly directly by Verizon for any added services and equipment, upgraded services and equipment, or on-demand or premium programming services on a monthly basis which is over and above the standard VERDE inclusion.


verizon logo

Verizon Enhanced Community

VERDE is a Verizon Enhanced Community.

Fios tv

Verizon FiOS® Television

FiOS® PrimeHD
215+ channels, including 55+ H

Fios internet

Verizon FiOS® Internet

FiOS® Quantum High Speed Data
50 Mbps Download Spee
d25 Mbps Upload Spee

verizon wireless

Verizon FiOS® Wireless

FiOS® Advanced Wi-Fi


electric logo


Electric is provided by PPL Electric Utilities.

Residents of VERDE will need to establish their own individual accounts prior to moving into their home with PPL Electric Utilities directly. This can be done by either calling PPL Electric Utilities at 1-800-342-5775 or by using their website.

telecom logo

Natural Gas

Natural gas is not available within individual apartment homes in the VERDE neighborhood.

public water logo

Public Water

Public water service is provided to VERDE by United Water – Pennsylvania, a public water utility.

The VERDE community has negotiated bulk-purchase services with United Water so that quality water can be enjoyed by residents at a rate that saves money. 

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